During my time working as a music producer at Walnut Studios and now at my personal HOD STUDIO since 2011, I have encountered numerous young individuals who possess talent and a passion for music but lack the financial means, exposure, and understanding of the music production process.
It is during these encounters that I have been frequently asked the same question, “How can I apply to perform in Coke Studio?” Initially, this question used to surprise me as this talent had never recorded a single song in a professional studio or performed at a professional level.
In response to this recurring question, I emphasised that aspiring to perform in reputable corporate programs like Coke Studio and Nescafe Basement requires much more than just possessing a melodious voice. Before thinking about performing at a professional level, you must diligently hone your skills and acquire a basic understanding of music theory, songwriting, music production, and various aspects of the music business if you are really serious about doing music. Additionally, I highlighted the fact that these corporate programs often prioritise artists who already have some recognition or a significant following.
Factors Shaping Artist Selection in TV Programs

When it comes to branding and producing a show, several factors play a crucial role in decision-making. Face value, persona, mass appeal, and fanbase are among the vital considerations for both brands and show producers. especially for brands, talent usually takes a backseat in their minds.
While talent is undoubtedly significant, it is not always the primary concern for the stakeholders. Instead, they prioritise elements that can attract a wider audience and align with their brand image. So it is crucial to gain some knowledge about how things work before thinking about performing at a professional level.
The Role Of Established Artists

After reflecting on the first decade of my career, particularly in 2016, I gained a lot of clarity and learned valuable lessons from my mistakes. One important lesson is the significance of going beyond teaching someone technical skills of music production or providing exposure through media. The key word here is ethics.
I believe as professionals, we should have been doing this from the very beginning, educating the audience about the importance of supporting artists in ethical ways would have created a deeper connection between artists and their fans.
However, for this to be truly effective, it necessitates that the artists embody these attributes and principles in their own lives first.
Missing Information: The Lack Of Will To Educate

So coming back to the question, why does the new talent dream of performing in Coke Studio and Nescafe Basement? The answer lies in the limited information available to the public about the behind-the-scenes aspect of an artist’s journey. Why is it limited? Because many artists may hesitate or may not feel comfortable sharing the full spectrum of their experience, including their efforts, struggles, and the challenges they faced during their musical pursuits.
As a result, the viewers only witness the glamorous façade without fully comprehending the hard work and dedication of the artist. While you may get to hear a little bit about an artist’s journey in a news article or a TV interview, it often ends there.
I believe that it is essential for artists to consistently talk about their experiences, whenever they have the opportunity to speak to their followers, fans, or the general audience. These experiences should encompass both the do’s and don’ts, the rights and wrongs that you encountered along your path. Ignoring this aspect will lead to a selfish perpetuation of success, perpetuating the belief that talent alone is enough to excel in music.
While my focus in this blog is on Coke Studio and Nescafe Basement, the responsibility of educating people extends to all professionals, not just those associated with these programs. I also want to emphasise that I respect the artists and producers associated with these platforms.
Regardless of whether I disagree with their opinions or like or dislike their content, there’s no denying that they are extremely hardworking and dedicated individuals and I am happy for their success but at the same time, it’s sad to say that the will to actively pursue educational initiatives, particularly from an ethical perspective, seems to be highly lacking in majority of us” which makes it obvious that most of this hard work is directed primarily towards personal gains.
The Hypocrisy Of Complaining
As a professional, if you think that simply serving music fulfils your purpose and entitles you to complain about the “system”, we must address the inherent hypocrisy in such a claim. Every artist that I have encountered, both known and unknown, laments the broken system.
I would ask them, what have you done to bring about real change in the system? Merely complaining and focusing solely on entertainment won’t lead to meaningful transformation. While it may yield personal benefits, it falls short of creating a broader impact.
Without disciplining ourselves, the example we are setting through our influence is compromised from an ethical perspective.
I believe as Pakistanis, we have mastered the art of making excuses to justify our wrongdoings.
Conclusion & The Way Forward

The only way I see one can make a difference is if professional artists acknowledge the fact that it’s their responsibility to educate their followers and prioritise ethics above all else.
Stop wasting time pointing out what others are doing and spend more time on self-reflection.
It has become a convenient justification to assume that since everyone else is doing things the wrong way and there’s no one to question it, why should I bother changing? So, I’ll just follow suit.
Without this acknowledgement, this whole process becomes mere self-serving, driven by individualistic motives, and lacks the potential to inspire meaningful change in the “system”.
Regarding myself : what am I doing to make a difference ?
Before delving into my actions, I must provide some context that shaped my direction in life. I don’t consider myself perfect or a perfectionist, but I do not settle for mediocrity and know when to take risks. While I am unafraid of failure and others’ opinions, I constantly reflect on my actions and strive, to improve as a person.
I have worked with many artists who are more passionate and hardworking than me regarding music, but one thing where I consider myself different is not just being concerned about the content I create, but also the way I am creating it from an ethical perspective, The realisation started when I reached a point of mental exhaustion and started questioning the causes behind it. After reflecting on it for a few months, I was confronted with a crucial decision – either continue on the same path I had been on for the past ten years or acknowledge my mistakes and undergo a complete transformation in mindset.
Thus began my journey of self-discipline and adherence to certain principles I had compromised before, often due to fear or insecurities.
Quitting making music using pirated software and downloading pirated content was the first and most important rule that I obliged with. It took me a year to buy just the basic required software for music production, and then I gradually purchased the rest over the years. My second rule is choosing the right people to work with who actually understand my objective and agree with it. They are not just interested in creating entertainment content but also thought-provoking content. Don’t work with anyone who takes you for granted; never work for free unless you’re doing it for a charitable purpose. Help only those who actually deserve help.
I don’t force anyone to follow these rules, neither am I worried about whether others follow it or not, but I feel responsible to share the right message with whomever I am working with or working for,
I recently started recording Q & A sessions with artists who are not afraid of speaking the truth and have a lot to say that can inspire not only musicians but others as well.
Things don’t change overnight but the impact would be tremendous if people embrace similar values.
Neglecting ethical values is precisely the reason why our society is facing such challenges today, and, in fact, it will get worse with time.
The attitude of ‘Chup kr ke apna kaam karo‘ (just keep quiet and do your work) will lead the next generation astray without any sense of direction.
“While I may not be aiming to revolutionise an entire nation, my focus is to make a positive impact within my capacity. True transformation commences with ethical self-improvement, and that’s where it all begins.
Wow! Just loved the way you wrote every single thought that I had in my mind. This is amazing. You’re a genius!
This is what we call an expert opinion! Very nicely put. I hope people can actually see the larger picture than just be focused on one or two platforms.
Hi. This is one of the most honest and relatable blog I have read in a long time. Been working with you and getting to know you gave me alot of exposure regarding how should I persue Music as a whole. These kind of blogs are a need of many artists and Thankyou for speaking up! Looking forward to more articles like this.
Excellent writeup! New musicians shouldn’t stick to producing music just because they want to, but why they want to do it. Is it just for fame, working for corporates or money? then it is time revise their choices. Corporates are limited, process is infinite.
What I gathered from your writing is, the ‘realization of responsibility’ and would like to add that this applies on every individual belonging to any race, religion or profession. In fact, I think the primary responsibility we humans are given is to contribute towards the welfare of our fellow humans.
Profound words of an amazing individual, exceptional musician and a mentor like no one else. Looking forward to more.
Good stuff, hassan! guiding the new crop! much needed!
Thanks Hassan. I am sure this will be of great help for people gunning for this industry. Keep doing what you are doing or undergo transformation? What a great way to change results. All the best.
Very well written, you helped me change my perspective towards piracy. Just because something is the norm in the society doesn’t make it necessarily right
Very comprehensively written.Heart felt words and very correct observations. I feel every new comer artist must read it as a very good word of advice .
Looking forward to more for sure .
Words of wisdom from a very talented musician. Very comprehensive and simply written. All new young aspiring artists and musicians must read it for a better perspective of things .
Hoping to read more
I really started buying my softwares because of you, so sole credit to you for that Hassan bhai! Great stuff you pointed out here, you’re surely leaving a positive impact on people you work with!
One thing that influences youngsters on going for the glory, popularity, fame etc is the cancerous culture of shortcuts, 5 min of fame and cashing it for the rest of the life. The issue is more deep rooted in our society and attitude towards running away from hard grinding hard work. No one is willing to put the time in etc. Hope this will get the message to the youngsters but regular information, awareness and messaging to the youth is required. there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Very well explained. Another thing that most of the upcoming artists miss out these days is staying true to their own craft instead of focusing on what is trending and jumping on the same bandwagon.
Great op-ed. Definitely agree with keeping quiet and just focusing on your self is a selfish thing to do, when you know that everything around you is morally compromised!
This is a really well written article. It comes from a genuine place.
I concur with your point of view. The comprehension and application of ethics hold immense significance.
A thriving music or art scene cannot exist without a robust ethical foundation beneath it.
Such a foundation can only be established when ethical awareness and the significance of ethics are underscored and collectively put into action.
Words of wisdom from a very wise man! Godspeed Hassan bhai!
Factual based words specially that hypocrisy. Great stuff you pointed out things needs to be changed.